
Friday, June 29, 2018

Free internet for Google any devices no network

 Internet is no longer free in Google
Geo, Airtel, Vodafone Throw ..! Google's Action to Come .. !! No longer need internet .. !!!

Without the help of any network, Google has been introducing Google Chrome for Google Chrome {CHROME BROWSER} facility on Android Mobile,

Google, the world's largest technology company, has been launching various new projects to attract customers.
In this case, Google has introduced the new Google Chrome popularity as the world's number one browser, using Google Chrome {CHROME BROWSER} browser.

Accordingly, when your smart phone is in OFFLINE mode, Google Chrome uses {CHROME BROWSER} browser. This feature is only available for the Android mobile user. Internet access is available online.

This service is currently being offered to 100 countries including India, Nigeria, Indonesia and Brazil. Those who want to get this service have been asked to download the latest version of Google Chrome on the Android Play Store.

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